Posts Tagged ‘compulsion’


August 22, 2018

He has to be the center of every spotlight, of all TV shows, or every conspiracy theory among his followers. He has a compulsion to be the center of attention and will lie and self-destruct before our very ears, just so everybody is watching and listening to him.  So today he gave an interview to the Trump Office of Propaganda (TOP, otherwise known as Faux News), and he again claimed that though he knew about the payments to two women who claimed sex with Donald (that he still denies) he didn’t know about the payments until after they happened, though surely in the mountain of evidence the feds now have from Michael Cohen’s records, the feds can disprove Donald’s latest version…we’ve already heard one phone call where the Donald talked of pay-off with Cohen before it had happened.  Remember a few months back when this affair never happened and the payment was made by a lawyer for no apparent reason and without any Trumpian knowledge.  Comments from the White House about anything seem to be simply ways of underlining the Theory of Relativity in Politics.  Giuliani is right about one thing, in the White House, “truth is not truth.”  It’s simply the newest lie. We call it Giulianism.

Omarosa’s strongest claim so far is that lies are the currency of the White House.  And the current lie only lasts until it needs to be changed to maintain media attention.  If the story never changed, the cameras might go elsewhere for something new…

You gotta pity Bob Woodruff’s timing.  His White House books is due out next month and he will have to fight with Cohen’s latest recording or revelation…Omarosa’s hottest audio or video…Manafort’s second trial (unless he cops a plea and ceases being on Trump’s brave man list)…and all the shenanigans in the Trump Syndicate.   Unless Bob has proof that Donald did actually kill somebody on Fifth Avenue with video and a Facebook page, old Bob is gonna have to fight for a share of the media frenzy.

The Republican Party becomes ever closer allied with the fate of the Trump Crime Syndicate (five guilty so far) as it aims to overcome the numerical advantage still held by the Nixon Administration for criminal behavior.  Eventually forty people from that syndicate ended up in jail.  As with this current regime & Russiagate, many of those were not directly linked to Watergate, there was plenty of freelance criminality in the Nixon Gang.  It’s that special felonious scent only they can detect, that mutual attraction of like for like.

MAGA–my attorney got arrested.

Most Republicans now cling to the talking point: “no evidence of collusion by Trump.”  They are doing two things here: throwing Donald Jr. under the bus as he most clearly wanted to be involved in collusion, but NOT his dad.  And the Rs are absolutely ignoring any and all evidence of the conspiracy between Cohen and Trump to violate campaign laws which Cohen has admitted to. So these white collar crimes are on the books just in case they can get some social democrat thrown out of office, but old, rich white guys should be able to do whatever they want?  Is that now the policy preference of this erstwhile law and order party?  Guess what Republicans, collusion or no, a felony is a felony whether Putin approved it or Donald did it on his own. Trump is one of the most self-destructive people in public office at a high level in American politics.  Hoover, Andrew Johnson, Nixon, Gary Hart, John Edwards, Warren Harding–Trump is a sick combo of the worst of the lot.  But he is the best at getting attention.  All his failed businesses and bankruptcies and lawsuits over non-payment are an indication of just how he can run full speed into a wall.  This time he has a busload of faithful Republican politicians on board with him.  They will do nothing to stop the zig-zag runaway White House until or unless the Republicans get creamed in the November election. Otherwise power and money TRUMP all other concerns, like honesty or national interest.

Finally, the worst thing (for Trump) that is happening to Trump is not the line-up of felons forming around the perimeter of his defenses, it is the on-going investigation by New York State of the possible illegal maneuvers of the Trump Foundation.  Let’s see a show of hands of those are certain that Trump and his family never once violated any laws in using Trump Foundation money for themselves or their commercial operations…

Mueller could defect to the Seychelles tomorrow and take all evidence with him…but Trump can do NOTHING to stop a state investigation and he (nor President Pence if it comes to that) has no state level pardon power. Now both Trump’s CFO and former lawyer are being questioned…

Here’s one commentator looking forward to a resignation.  That would mean The Donald cuts a deal where he pleads guilty but gets parole, and a free ticket to the Seychelles.  Here’s one precise insight about the Trump Opera contained in the above-linked Guardian piece: “If only Trump had not run for president, his minions could have continued laundering Russian money, evading taxes and paying hush money until he tweeted off this mortal coil.”

More than wise person has now noted that if Trump had not run for President all the white collar crimes by Cohen, Manafort, Trump Foundation and whoever else…all would have been ignored, few million here or there, pshaw…but the compulsion drove him to be at the center.  That center turns out to look a lot like a bull’s eye from up here in the bleachers.