Posts Tagged ‘hyumanity’


June 23, 2020

My first-ever Biblical quote on this blog: “For the love of money is the root of all evil.”
                                            King James version, Timothy 6:10

Today life on Earth seems uncertain as we wobble into the Sixth Extinction. There are apparently record temps in Siberia this year, meaning more released methane as permafrost, loses both the perma and the frost,  then fire dangers increase which would bring more unneeded smoke and ash to help heat the atmosphere which will then produce more heat and longer summers, and…well, you get the pic.

Click here for a piece that describes how our misuse of our planet keeps triggering epidemics and likely led to the current covid situation.  We must admit we are part of the universe, not its masters.  We are animals, not gods.  Money cannot save us from our mistakes.  There is no eternal script that insures human success or survival.  We must have some humility if our species is to continue.  Allosaurus, mastodon, ammonites, Great Auk, giant sloth. We must learn the song of the trilobites, and sing it daily as a lesson to never unlearn.