Posts Tagged ‘Muslkim’


December 9, 2019

As of Tuesday, Dec. 10; I am now convnced that Homeland Security is a large  building full of people who order pizza all day.  Any pretense if zsecyurintg he hinmeland may be just a pretense.  There are less than one thousand Saudi men here in military training yet this killer got a hunting license then bought a hand-gun (what was he gonna hunt? Bullfrogs?  Humans?) and posted radical messages online but no body was paying attention.  Here is piece on his social media rantings that we now know about when it is too late to do anything but gnash teeth.

Pensacola and The Afterwards

Is the current regime in Washington flirting with self-destruction?  We know from his personal history of serial divorces, affairs, bankruptcies, “non-profit” foundation corruption, fraudulent “university”, sexual assaults and pathological lying that this President is drawn to high risk and nihilistic behavior, damn the consequences. I have written about the current right-wing politics as being cult-like in its following of a single person.  Now that cult is being tested.

All along the Orange Cult has pretended to be Christian.  Now the leader has become a mouth piece for a radical Muslim regime in Saudi Arabia in a case that involves a Muslim murdering three American naval aviators and shooting several more people at the Pensacola navy base.  One prop of the Orange Cult has been its demonizing of Muslims.  Now can the cult followers reverse and begin apologizing for Saudi murders as they have learned to do for Putin and Russia?  How flexible are these Orange Cultists in the face of a terrorist attack?  Have they a limit or are they so enthralled or enmeshed with their leader that they will follow him and bow to the Saudi king?  Right now it seems the members of Orange Cult are NOT happy with a Saudi guest murdering American military members.

Can The Donald survive the Pensacola shootings?  Or is he the fourth victim, politically speaking?  We know that our President has never really condemned the Saudi dismembering of journalist Jamal Khashoggi last October.  I fear the President is jealous that he can’t do the same to some American news people he hates.

Can Trump bring himself to condemn Wahabbi fundamentalism?  Apparently the President doesn’t have a clue what global warming really is. And nobody will show him pictures of Mara Lago under water.  Here we have the same issue.   Probably “Wahabbi” is a word he has never seen in print.  Maybe a couple cartoon drawings of 9-11 and the ideology of those terrorists could make it understandable for the man in the White House if he would deign to look at the pictures.

So now in the White House we seem to have an apologist for Saudi dictators, showing little concern for Navy victims or their families, fellow servicemen.  Just like the way The Chosen One apologizes for Russia being persecuted over witch hunt on 2016 election tampering.  Love those dictators.  Maybe he sees the U.S. Navy as part of the “Deep State” as they have all those submarines.

We can rest easy that those “do-nothing Democrats”, as Tweeter-in-Chief calls them, have not managed to scuttle the revered Second Amendment and even a visiting Saudi can buy the gun he needs when it is time to kill and be killed.  Amen.

Some links into this darkest of dark places:

Shooter hated US,  bought gun legally. 

Nobody in “Homeland Security” watching his social media posts?

Dead victims all naval aviators.

Trump as Saudi public relations man.

Trump loving Congressman Gaetz not happy. 

The Hill (a right-wing website) on Gaetz.

Killer posted anti-American stuff on social media…so much for the “surveillance state”   they can’t even track the postings and communications of Saudis despite that nation’s history of fostering terrorists?  Anybody remember Bin Laden?