Posts Tagged ‘pecker’


August 23, 2018


I ask my male readers above the age of 12, when was the last time you called somebody a pecker?  Well, the word is now coming into wider, more general, even journalistic use.  A Pecker is now turning state’s evidence in the Trump pecker case.  This is the case involving two women—not his wife—who claim who have experienced the pre-presidential pecker long before it reached its political climax in the White House.  Thus the Mr. Pecker in the pecker case helped Michael Cohen convince these two women to keep their pecker memoirs to themselves.  In one case the Mr. Pecker, head of a major tabloid factory, bought exclusivity of the story of one of the women so he could keep it from being told.

How this was done violated various campaign laws. The White House and TOP (Trump Office of Propaganda, Fox News) are positioning the pecker case as nothing illegal.  Every rich person pays off women all the time.  As for Manafort, he is just doing what all lobbyists do, shouldn’t be a federal case.  We have the pecker President’s word for it.

The women and the pecker had been together long before 2016.  But it was the campaign for president that belatedly made their silence worth paying for….$130 K in one case, $150K in the other.  Nothing compared to the million-plus Cohen helped pay for a woman’s silence after her affair with a big-wig at the Republican National Committee.  But that pecker case apparently has nothing to do with the current would-be dick-tator in the White House.

The Donald today attacked Attorney General Jeff Sessions via twitter.  Session fired back that his Justice Department will not be bullied over political [pecker] considerations.  Sessions must be wagering he can out-last the peckerial President.  V.P. Pence is silent in the shadows, his pecker at rest.  This is a man who will not even be seen in a restaurant with a woman, right?

Some questions aroused by the whole peckergate thing:

  • Does Trump realize that these Cohenesque cases are being carried forward by the New York-based federal prosecutor’s office? That means a far less right-wing jury than the one Manafort faced where one woman alone admits handing Manafort a hung (sorry, the word just slipped in) jury.  A self-proclaimed MAGA woman.  Does she now know that stands for My Attorney Got Arrested?  Some people are slow to come…around.
  • Does Trump realize he could fire Mueller and Sessions and the New York cases would go ahead? Talk about screwed. He would have to purge the office there in New York, firing them all as well as the man he picked to run the place.
  • Trying to head off (sorry, these words just want to be in the story) political ramifications (ouch) the TOP and White House are claiming that campaign laws aren’t real or shouldn’t be or simply make normal everyday screwing the public illegal which is what being rich is supposed to be about. Rich white guys should be able to screw people whenever or however they please, right Donald?
  • What happened to that old-fashioned Republican Party that claimed to be out-raged by a consensual blow-job in the White House where no campaign money or Russian loans were involved? Now a guy who borrowed millions (Manafort) from Russian oligarchs so he could work for FREE for a presidential campaign with an eye toward the main chance…oh well, Manafort is a brave man. That’s enough.  Manafort, he’s no snitching prick.

“Pecker, noun—dick, prick, cock; informal for penis. Now considered juvenile, archaic.  Perhaps derived from woodpecker for the way those birds attack a hole in a tree.”
–From Fuller’s Dictionary of 20th Century Junior High* Slang
* now referred to as “middle school”

Haven’t had enough?  Here are some links…click to find stories.

The same Pecker, David, who is not going to talk to investigators about peckergate owns a large media sleaze empire…and he is the same guy who tried to help Harvey Weinstein avoid public exposure in that particular series of peckergate scandals.  Seems pricks of a certain sort stick together.  Don’t think about that image.

Manafort’s terrible future outlook.

Trump says it should be illegal for crooks to admit their crime and provide evidence to the government to catch other criminals.  But, of course, The Donald is never self-serving. Makes sense, in Trumptopia you gotta get rich and that is best done by cheating, lying and being smart enough to not pay taxes, as he bragged when he was a mere candidate. Where are those income tax forms?  Mueller got ’em, I presume.

Rudy Giuliani has expanded the range of Giulianism: if Trump were impeached the people would revolt. Trump’s threat is that the stock market would collapse and everybody would be poor if he were impeached…hah, champagne sales would sky-rocket and brewpubs would have trouble meeting demand.  Dancin’ in the streets…